Contact Us
All listed school contacts can be reached at the school's postal address, telephone and email details below:
Postal Address: Telephone: |
Oak Lodge School, Heath View, LONDON, N2 0QY 0208 444 6711 |
To contact a school governor, please email our governor clerking service:
School Contact List
Chair of Local Governing Body | Julian Cole |
Headteacher | Lynda Walker |
Office Manager for all initial enquiries | Michèle Hall |
School Business Manager (HR) | Annie Dobbin |
IT Infrastructure Manager | Gayan Fernando |
Finance Manager | Suanna Burbridge |
Deputy Headteacher (Teaching & Learning) | Charlotte Charlesworth |
Deputy Headteacher (Specialist Support) | Teresa Ellis |
Assistant Headteacher KS3 | Rebecca O'Connell |
Interim Deputy Headteacher, Head KS4 and Post-16 | Sarah Dann |
Oak Lodge Facilities Manager |
Julia Ray |
Transition Manager | Sally McCreight |
Medical Room Supervisor | Tanzeem Islam |
Examinations Officer | Karen Lawrence |