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Oak Lodge School


Post-16 Department

Curriculum Outline

Our thriving Post-16 Department emphasises the development of life and work related skills that enable students to continue their learning in a safe, familiar and secure environment. Click here to see the July 2024 Moving up to Post-16 presentation slides.

Young people joining the department may stay for two or three years.  Whether transferring from our own Upper School, or from another school or setting, students can expect to be learning in an environment that takes account of their levels of understanding and which offers them the opportunity to work within smaller teams of teachers and teaching assistants to focus more clearly on the development of independence and learning skills.

Classes are not grouped according to age. There are no Year 12, Year 13 or Year 14 classes. Instead, classes are grouped according to their primary area of learning need, cognitive ability, social opportunities and communication partner stage. Each class is assigned a class teacher supported by two or more teaching assistants.

The curriculum meets the 16 to 19 study programme requirements through its focus on learning independent living skills whilst extending literacy, numeracy and communication to help prepare for life in further education and beyond. The department enjoys links with a range of additional learning providers to further enrich the curriculum offer that includes opportunities for both independent and supported work-experience.

For further information about our learning offer, please see our Post-16 curriculum document for 2024-25.

Students can expect to study for nationally accredited vocational and functional skills qualifications at Entry Level or higher dependent on their level of progress and understanding.

P.16 Qualifications


Awarding Body

Functional Skills English

Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2


English Entry Level

Entry Level 1 - 3


Functional Skills Maths

Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2


Maths Entry Level

Entry Level 1 - 3


Personal & Social Development

Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2


Preparing for Work

Entry Level


Creative Media and Performance Arts

Entry Level