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Oak Lodge School

School Uniform

In accordance with the wishes of the majority of our parents we do have a basic school uniform code that is compulsory for all students in Year 7 to Year 11.  Click here to view a copy of our Uniform Policy.

The uniform consists of:

  • Plain black jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt
  • White shirt, blouse or shirt, polo shirt (short or long sleeved)
  • Plain black skirt or trousers. (No logos on clothing please)

Students in the Sixth Form are expected to dress suitably for school as if they were going to work. Protective clothing, such as aprons and goggles are supplied for specialist subjects.

In warm weather, we recognise that some students may have particular sensitivities to the heat. For this reason students may wear plain black shorts in warm weather. These may include black cargo-style shorts. However, PE shorts must only be worn in PE lessons.

We recognise that some students may have particular sensory processing disorders, preferences and dislikes in relation to clothing.  Please discuss any sensitivities your child may have.

We expect students to bring kit for PE and swimming sessions. There are no specific requirements of colour for these.

We do ask that watches and necklaces be removed for PE and that only stud earrings are worn at school.